Ark Music Factory

Black openly admits to not writing the song. It was written by Ark Music  Factory, an agency that targets 13-17 year old girls. Almost as if they  are looking for a female Justin Bieber. They then offer to produce and  write a music video for $2,000- $4,000 as a way of letting them live the pop  star dream. Ark then in return hopes the music video goes viral, and  then they become the wealthy ones due to the contract. According to some sources, Black has made $40,000 dollars of of iTunes downloads and youtube views, which to me sounds very low.
This is a really informative video on Ark Music Factory:

Just like normal youtube user videos it is less than academic, but the kid has done significant research and really explains them well.
ARK is more aimed at the money that can be made in the current pop music scene. By trying to find the next true talent they control an artists early future, as well as the song-writing, and the production of their music. They are pretty intelligent in the way they go about there business. Patrice Wilson the writer of “Friday” admits to making it as cheesy and catchy as possible to reach a wider audience. ARK is there solely to make money, and as the factory name applies, churn out songs that a large number of people can associate with. ARK is really taking away the art, the human emotion and the experiences that go into song writing.

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